Thursday, December 11, 2008
There are snowmen in Southeast Texas!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Texas Snow
DISCLAIMER: Texas definition of snow: Cold, wet, flurries, sleet, basically our rainy day at 31 degrees~! For my non Texas readers this is it in over 9 years!!
The last time we saw any "snow flurries" was about 4 years ago and it did NOT stick to the ground! So as I am surely cursing the nasty weather all day long, I thought to myself heck if it gets any colder (at the time it was 38 degrees) it can possibly make sleet hince snow flurries. At about 6pm today it started to sleet and as we were ALL excited saying it's snowing outside! - then the sleet got thicker and bigger and big fat snow flakes started to fall.
Our neighbors in the culdesac came out and the kids had fun tromping in the snow! Our pants and feet were all soaking wet. Of course the snow gear I had from 2 years would have worked (if I didn't just donate it 2 months ago!) Now it is late in the night and my girls are snuggled in bed, I am in front of a blazing fire enjoying the peace and quiet..Oh and our family might ask were is Matt in all this....THE NETHERLANDS - for work.. Lucky him! Enjoy the slide show
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Special Girl
It has been awhile since I last posted and in the mean time has been a whirl wind here in our part of the world. We celebrated the baptism of Michaela on
November 8, 2008. Matt's sister Kathryn and her huband Jim and family came down from Justin, Texas. (outside of Dallas area). We had a great turn out for this special day. My mom and dad, grandparents, aunts, an uncle, my friend Brandi and her kids, and some of our church family! I think we probably ended up with over 40? I lost count and did not have enough chairs! Well this blog is dedicated to Michaela Ann Clinger. The song I have playing is dedicated especially for her, it describes a little girl in a hurry to grow up and explore the world. And that is DEFINATELY Michaela! Always wanting to get ahead of her self without slowing down. We constantly tell her enjoy life now it is the best time of your life. For those friends that do not know her story of how she came to us let me explain.. Michaela had a stroke when she was born. She does suffer from slight cerebral palsy. She has limited use of her left hand and a slight limp on her left leg. This is think in the long run has made her stubborn and resistant to help on physical things (most time). My fingers can not count the number of testings this little girl has gone through before the age of 2. All in all she is doing great and is very special to us.. I love this little girl with all my heart. We go round and round on many occassions because she is stubborn and so am I. Emotionally she develops slightly slower than others again ONLY because I think she is soooo ready to just jump ahead of things with both feet and not think first (AGAIN another trait of mine) Hmmm..I guess she is also a momma's girl too..(shhh don't tell her that). I have to say I am so grateful and thankful to Matt's family for coming out to share and participate in our special day. I am proud of Michaela for choosing to be baptized and to take on the responsibilities Heavenly Father asked of us. It was very emotional for all of us. I had many people tell me that was one of the best baptism's they have been to.. As the songs says I feel my saviors love. Think we all truly did. We had my beautiful friends sing one of our favorite songs. Lovely Sister Bebee made the most delicious hummingbird cake along with my Aunt Jeanette making a superb chocolate cake. It went by so fast I wish I had a video taping to watch and cherish forever. Thanks to everyone that came and participated on Michaela's day! Below are pictures of that day along with other snap shots taken through out our days this past year.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Trick or Treating!
We had a blast for Halloween this year. I have to say I think this is probably the best one yet.! The day started with Sophia's class party. She dressed as Dorothy this year with the red slippers and all. (TOO CUTE) For the party they decorated cookies with frosting and sprinkles. Then made handprints to go on a turkey the teacher is doing for the room. Pretty easy party (Thank goodness) Here are some pics.:
After school we got ready for trick or treating with Michaela's Girl Scout troop. Before we left we did hot chocolate and cupcakes with a little candy in the mix! (sugar them up for the parents later)! I was a little disappointed with the houses that turned out..(NOT a lot of house to trick or treat at..I think due to it being on a Friday night and having parties, haunted houses, etc..) But we still had a bag full of candy! Whoohoo..! Oh and in case you did not notice Michaela went as Hannah Montana (which was a hit!) Sophia went as Dorothy and was carrying a basket with a PINK Toto! ( our pink poodle webkinz) Our neighbor Shelby came over to show her costume and she was Raggedy Anne too cute!(AND with red YARN hair)! So here are the rest of our photots~
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Anyone?
Well, finally thanks to my neighbor Brandi I got into the Halloween spirit. I usually just use traditional fall decorations, but now have added carved pumpkins! Last night my neighbor invited us to carve pumpkins with them. I got to use the carving tools (I never thought they really worked) and it came with a cool carving detail book. Sophia wanted me to carve her a "kitty kat" and Michaela is still not too sure what she wanted. So as I sat with all the kids and carved until my heart was content. It was soo much fun! Don't get me wrong I have carved plenty of pumpkins in my time, but not with a intricate pattern to use. So here is the picture of the cat one.
Michaela really tried to carve her own this year and ended up asking me to finish it. I tried to finish that poor thing was so mangled on one side, I turned it around and carved out the other side with ghost! At about 1:30am, (I wanted to surprise her in the morning) and finished it out. Ah the dedication of mothers seeking their childrens happiness! So here is the completed ghost pumpkin.
Of course it would not be our house with out a little mishap..As I was taking these pictures, Sophia's pumpkin BROKE! YIKESSSS..So it is 12:30 at night and I finished the 2ND KITTY pumpkin it actually turned out better than the first! Well, we will off to school parties and our Halloween hayride while we are trick or treating! Pictues coming soon
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Identity

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results! You are observant, diplomatic and often aim to please. You are unaware of your attractiveness and despite being uncomfortable with any form of attention, people enjoy your company. You can be impatient, stubborn and headstrong, but you are true to your word and mature for your age, often taking care of your family and enjoying a good book over chatting with girlfriends on the phone.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Scars of Life
Some years ago, on a hot summer day in South Florida , a little boy decided
to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to
dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes,
socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not realizing that as
he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the
His father, working in the yard, saw the two as they got closer and closer
together. In utter fear, he ran toward the water, yelling to his son as
loudly as he could.
Hearing his voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim
to his father. It was too late. Just as he reached his father, the
alligator reached him.
From the dock, the father grabbed his little boy by the arms just as the
alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between
the two. The alligator was much stronger than the father, but the father
was much too passionate to let go.
A farmer happened to drive by, heard his screams, raced from his truck,
took aim and shot the alligator.
Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived.
His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the animal. And,
on his arms, were deep scratches where his father's fingernails dug into
his flesh in his effort to hang on to the son he loved.
The newspaper reporter who interviewed the boy after the trauma, asked if
he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with
obvious pride, he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms. I have great
scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Dad wouldn't let go."
You and I can identify with that little boy. We have scars, too. No, not
from an alligator, but the scars of a painful past. Some of those scars are
unsightly and have caused us deep regret. But, some wounds, my friend, are
because God has refused to let go. In the midst of your struggle, He's been
there holding on to you.
The Scripture teaches that God loves you. You are a child of God. He wants
to protect you and provide for you in every way. But sometimes we foolishly
wade into dangerous situations, not knowing what lies ahead. The swimming
hole of life is filled with peril - and we forget that the enemy is waiting
to attack. That's when the tug-of-war begins - and if you have the scars of
His love on your arms, be very, very grateful. He did not and will not ever
let you go.
Please pass this on to those you love. God has blessed you, so that you can
be a blessing to others. You just never know where a person is in his/her
life and what they are going through. Never judge another person's scars,
because you don't know how they got them. Also, it is so important that we
are not selfish, to receive the blessings of these messages, without
forwarding them to someone else.
Right now, someone needs to know that God loves them, and you love them,
too - enough to not let them go.
Always Tell Your Family
And Friends How Much You Love Them!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008
My Two Divas
Okay so I was not tagged but got a cute idea from a friends blog (Thanks Brianne). The idea is to go to your pictures file, look in the 6th folder and find the 6th picture saved and blog about it. (Boy that was a run on!) Well I found this picture of Michaela.
Of course I had to also post Sophia on this "Diva" blog! So here she is:
Our friend Olivia had her birthday party at a place called All About Fun. It is a version of Libby Lu..They have dress up clothes, do make up and hair - the whole nine yards. They now have a "Cat Walk" you get to "Strut" your fashion on. They did a craft and had pizza..OH I almost forgot the most awesome cupcakes ever from a bakery across the street. My two "Divas" are a hand full most times. But I would do anything for them as they are the center of my universe! So this was my post hope you enjoy the pictures!

Monday, October 13, 2008
Tired Old Bones
Okay, so is my life so boring that I am now blogging about my tired old bones? For those that know I have recommitted myself back the gym to shed some "baby fat" and get healthier! This was my first day and my knees hurt like heck. But overall I feel alot better. I have my friend Brandi to thank for getting me back on track! You are great! So with the upcoming Halloween season coming upon us I hope to have some cute blogging to do soon..Stay tuned
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Lights On Finally!
Here we are day 12 from Hurricane Ike. Finally we have POWER! What a sweet feeling! I have come to realize the little easy things we take for granted! A hot shower. Our house is fully powered by electric and our hot water heater therfore did not work. Matt, finally decided that we could give it a try with our generator.(We had it connected straight into the circuit box. So we flipped everything off for about 30 minutes and voila' hot shower! I think I fell in love with my husband all over again!(haha) But about 4pm today we had power, and wouldn't you know I STILL cooked on the barbeque pit. I do NOT know how those brave, strong amazing pioneer women did it? Working all day and tending children and home with no air, and ready hot water. Me and the girls returned home this past Saturday afternoon. It looked like a bomb went off in our neighborhood. About every 3rd house had a tree that went through the roof. Power lines and fences down. I took a few pictures of this and of our time in Dallas I will post at a later time.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ike's Wrath

Friday, August 29, 2008
The First Week Of School
Whew, the first week of school is over! It has been a long one. I could not wait for summer to end and bring back the peace and quiet. What was I thinking! Our schedule is about to become chaotic! This year Sophia is attending 1st grade and had Mrs. Trahan. It loves her teacher (seriously). She came home the first day of school and was excited that she was the "nicest" teacher EVER! (For those of you that know what happened last year this is a relief to me and her.) I asked all week what she did as we are in the car line for Michaela and the response everytime is: Math and crafts! I guess we are off to a good start! Michaela is in a 3 way teacher combo for 3rd grade. Here in Crosby 3rd graders have a 2 teacher system and they rotate classes between them. Well, I requested that Michaela be place in the 3 teacher combo. Her homeroom teacher is Mrs. McKeon and she teaches Reading/Spelling, Mrs. Chapman teaches Language, Science, Social Studies. Mrs. Ellis teaches Math.. Michaela has come a long way in the attitude department since school has started so hopefully this will continue to be a good thing.! The only complaint so far from the girls is that the school cafeteria food SUCKS! Yes, that is a strong word and no that is not one that came from them. I just think they could have done a little better and appealed on a little kids taste buds than the District Boards! So all is good. Both girls are starting jazz and gymnastic classes , and girl scouts all next week on top of school so there goes my free time! Not to mention the fact that I have to chaperone them, volunteer at the school, be Michaela girl scout leader AND on the Service Unit Manager level..But hey! It is all good. I told Matt maybe ONE day I will be mentioned in our family prayers when they pray of what they are thankfull for! Until then I know that it is all for the good of our family.! In the next two weeks we are having an open house at both schools and I will take some pictures of the girls and their class space! Yes, I was not like the super COOL moms (like Kareena) that took great pictures on the first day of school .! Yikes! I need check of list like when we go on vacation! I can check off : lunches, backpacks, important notes signed, my sunglasses, my keys, my bra and shoes (oops thats a whole new story), oh and of course the GIRLS!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
JellyStone Park Summer 2008
Okay this was our last summer blast before school starts! We had a blast with our neighbors! We stayed for 2 nights (not NEARLY enough time). I have to admit I was a little sad when we were packing up because of the rain. However, we got to the other side of the beltway/249 and it was sunny skies there on out! The weekend ended up beautiful! THe kids had a blast on the waterslides. (not to mention the ADULTS!) Brandi made it a contest to see who could come off the end of the waterslide into a full stand. We saw some of the kids do it and thought we had enough youth to try also! Well, Brandi was able to do it and was popping up into a surf style! I fell flat on my hind end! I came away with so many bruises I tripped and fell, fell on the slide huge bruise on the back of my leg! This just goes to show adults NEVER grow up! Really we had a great time there . WE have decided next time we need 3 nights instead.! For those that live here and have never gone check it out on the website they have putt putt golf, swimming pool, waterslides,pedal carts, petting zoo, outdoor theater, fishing pond ,, tent sites, RV sites, and cabins. You'll have a blast!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Where is Edouard?
Well, Edouard landed! I think! It was not as bad as predicted (thank goodness). Edouard actually turned into a tropical storm and brought some rain and mild winds. We have couple of tree limbs that landed in our back yard. That is a relief considering yesterday I was glued to the tube watching the weatherman stating it would land at 70mph, and hurricane level 1. When Matt came home last night, I was demanding to have him tie down our swing set and trampoline to the trees. He thought I hit the hysterical state of mind. I forewarned the girls last night that our power could go out, she woke up this morning at 7:30am and was excited because she got to watch spongebob! (ha the mind of a child)! I wish I had my camera ready, the girls ran down the street about 10am this morning to go and play with friends, they were walking huddled under an big umbrella (too cute). We are all safe and dry. We were ready for anything to come our way thankfully due to food and emergency storage! I am thankful that we kept our power. I think the news said that about total of 70,000 people lost their power. Hope my out of state family enjoys the pictures posted! They know what blizzards and snow storms are not hurricanes and tropicals!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Slides and Waves
We took a trip to the beach with our friends and neighbors. We first started off by going to the waterslide down on by Crystal Beach. The kids had a blast. We stayed for about 3 hours watersliding and going on the little lazy river, (and believe me it was lazy). My friend Brandi lived in Winnie, so she showed us this place and wanted to take us to Mama Theresa flying pizza, however they did not open in time for lunch. We went to their other favorite hangout called Stingree which is on the bayside! We watched some barges come through and ate awesome food! Next we took the ferry across to Galveston (I love riding the ferry!) and we saw some dolphins having fun in the water. We took a quick pitstop to the seawall so the kids could splash in the waves and collect some seashells. I wonder why kids pick up little broken pieces instead of the big ones? I have a bag full of little shells, and broken bits!Even though they had the warnings up about the high levels of bacteria I decided we were not there to drink the water it would be okay! (Geez imagine all the bacteria that could have been there when we were kids). The funny part is that Brandi's son Clay came up to us really worried because there was a spot "that was missing hair on his leg!" We joked that the 'redtide' ate it away! All in all we had a great day~I came back with my face looking like a lobster, which was understandable because I did not put sunscreen on it. But the weirdest thing is my legs came back a bit burnt. Which I did spray and they were in complete shade the whole day.! Well, below I posted just a few of our pictures from the day at the beach!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Day of Beautification
Aw, my girls are growing up! We spent a day at Deerbrook Mall being pampered! I took the girls to Visible Changes to get a hairdo makeover. It was sadly needed. Sophia’s hair has a tendency to tangle up in the back (when she was little with just fuzz for hair it was easy to take the clippers and shave it) Well, I don’t think that would fly with her dad now!
Michaela’s hair would just hang in her face and look unruly even though we brushed it a thousand times (well maybe not a thousand) but too many to count. So I decided to post the pictures (from my new digital camera) yes I finally got into the digital world. So hopefully my very spread out family can take a look at what cuties they are!
If you could have seen them, they were flipping their hair from side to side and being the total fashion divas they are! (hehe!) Michaela has decided that with the new hairdo, she needs some highlights too (like mom), I had to laugh at that one and tell her she could have them when she gets a job and pays for them!
After the haircuts we ate dippin dot ice cream at the food court (way cool ice cream).
In the mall there is a play area designated for little kids (Michaela was barely over the height requirement - like by 2 inches), so I broke the rules and let her in (ssh! Don’t tell anyone). My poor child has no more patience for sharing her space (due to having a little sister close in age), so she did not take to well when a little boy tried to dominate her play area , I wish I had a camera on me to capture that break down moment! Sophia she is just a little monkey girl, climbing on everything in site. By the end of the day I just came home and crashed! And to think we haven’t even touched school clothes shopping yet! YIKES
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Lazy Days and Milk
My lazy day started with me waking up at 6am on the couch.I fell asleep last and woke with a kink in my neck! I crawled my aching body back into bed and woke up almost 5 hours later..This was suppose to be my day for cleaning and organizing my closet, NO such luck. The girls and I met up with our friends from church at the pool. I think I made a new friend today little 4 yr old Mya Love! She is sweet. I had a great time with everyone today. Thanks to Kareena for giving me a shout out! I picked up another book from Kareena the Host, so I can't wait to start reading it! That will probably be the way I'll end my lovely lazy day! Also I just want to say that Kareena you saved me a dreaded trip over to the store for the milk! Thank you so much! I am grateful that I have friends that help out and lift me up in my times of need. And believe me, letting me have the milk WAS lifting me up! Who wants to take wet, cranky kids to the store? So thanks again, my cup runneth over!
When You Wish
Tonight we went to the Miller Outdoor Theatre and saw "Disney's When You Wish". It was a musical of some of Disneys fairytales and movies. It was really cute show! For some of my out of town families The Miller Outdoor Theatre is a amphitheater outside. Some of it is covered with huge overhead fans and has nice chairs (you need to get tickets) for these otherwise you sit on the hilltop and watch.. There are some really nices shows preformed! The Houston Symphony, Theater Under the Stars, Houston Ballet, etc. The best part of all IT IS FREE! WE took this trip with some Faith In God Girls, Leann, Lance, Ursula, Taylor from church(ages 8-12), and of course also Sophia. It was a little crazy getting started. With Leann having a flat tire, getting there late and finding our chairs, but as always the Lord pulled us through and we had a great time. They do shows all year round but a little disappointed that they are not more geared to the children (only in the summer)I think mine and Sophia favorite parts were the Ariel and Ursula from Little Mermaid, and the song from Aristocrats! Not to mention the acrobat women that was haning from the ceiling and danced her way down the curtain! LOVE IT!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Kit and the Hobo's
Well guys, I took the girls to movies and saw the American Girl film, Kitt Kitteredge. It was a really great American Girl movie. It is set in the Depression Era; so my girls got a good education on what it means to be thankful for the things they have. The first question Sophia asked me was, "mom what is a hobo?" So I had to tell her it is were the kids either ended up homeless because parents died or had to go to work in a different city and leave their kids behind. MAN! That was a difficult thing to explain to a 6 year old. But it never fails that everyday they scream they want something or other. Or they don't appreciate what we -as parents do for them and I always call the ungrateful. In this movie it shows people having their houses forclosed, selling their furniture, Hobo's coming into neighborhoods to look for jobs.. The main girl in the movie (Kit), well her dad owned a automotive business and had money. She was interested in becomin a reporter (at only about 8 years old). Anyways her dad ended up losing his business and had to leave and work in Chicago. Her mom turned their huge house into a boarding home. Long story short she made friends with the hobos while everyone else was trying to run them out of town and wanted to write about them in the paper. She ended up do just that. Let me just say I love the American Girl movies and hope that they produce more for the movie theaters!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Our Summer Days
Well, this is my first post so we will see how it goes! About our summer days! We have been pretty busy so far this summer with both girls on the Newport Swim Team. With practice everyday since April until end of June and meets every Saturday. It seems like summer should be OVER! Recently the girls got back last Saturday from their Nana's house. Michaela and Sophia stayed the whole week with my grandparents while I was recupping from having my tonsils taken out! (not too bad) They got spoiled and had a grand time. Isn't that how is it suppose to be? Now that they are back at home they are giving me a run for my money! UGH summer boredom, especially when mom is still not 100% recovered! This week we have been hanging out with our neighbors and going to the pool. I need to get better and take some pictures! I need to get one of those digital cameras (what are those?).. Tomorrow we are meeting some friends and heading to a day at the mall to catch a movie. We are going to see the American Girl Movie "Kit Kitteredge"(I think thats the name of it). In a week and half the girls are off to VBS! at the First Baptist Church here in Crosby! Can't wait..That gives me half a day to get my thoughts in order for the other half of the day! (DOES THAT make any sense?) For our vacation me and the girls went to San Antionio, Texas to see my cousin graduate Air Force Boot Camp! My sister in law and nieces came down from South Dakota also to be there and spent a little time with them. While we were there we went with my parents to SeaWorld and had a great time! Our next mini vacation is right before school starts we are going to Jellystone it is about 1 1/2 hours away it is a Yogi Bear campground and it is really awesome place. Check it out at they have locations all around the United States. We might take a mini overnighter with some friends to the beach sometime before then also. We'll have to see. Well that is about all the excitement I can handle right now so I will try and get some pictures posted soon.!
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