Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where is Edouard?

Well, Edouard landed! I think! It was not as bad as predicted (thank goodness). Edouard actually turned into a tropical storm and brought some rain and mild winds. We have couple of tree limbs that landed in our back yard. That is a relief considering yesterday I was glued to the tube watching the weatherman stating it would land at 70mph, and hurricane level 1. When Matt came home last night, I was demanding to have him tie down our swing set and trampoline to the trees. He thought I hit the hysterical state of mind. I forewarned the girls last night that our power could go out, she woke up this morning at 7:30am and was excited because she got to watch spongebob! (ha the mind of a child)! I wish I had my camera ready, the girls ran down the street about 10am this morning to go and play with friends, they were walking huddled under an big umbrella (too cute). We are all safe and dry. We were ready for anything to come our way thankfully due to food and emergency storage! I am thankful that we kept our power. I think the news said that about total of 70,000 people lost their power. Hope my out of state family enjoys the pictures posted! They know what blizzards and snow storms are not hurricanes and tropicals!

1 comment:

Mechelle said...

Those are some great pictures! We are glad that you are all safe and sound! The weather here in Utah is hot, hot, hot! I tend to just stay inside!