Okay so not really right? HAHA.. It is a Garden Snake but still!!.. So yesterday as I was going to turn off the water in the front lawn (required by mandatory water restrictions) I open the front door and I see this 'friend' reared straight up on his end in the air.. I screamed and I swear they could hear me at the end of the street.. slammed the door and ran and grabbed my camera (cause Matt does not believe me when I tell him we have snakes in our jungle), by the time I open the door again it is gone. I tip toe out the door and go trak it down it went into my flower bed along the house. I was going to get a picture and as soon as I clicked the button my friend rears up again and took off (and they can move fast!) He slithered to my front door and I took the picture (yes please don't mention I need to bleach wash my front door cause I already know!) after I took the picture there is a space between my door frame and sidewalk cement and he snuck inside the hole so NOW it is in the frame of my HOUSE! HOLY COW.. Needless to say the moth balls came out and are scattered all over!
1 comment:
It would have been fun to see your reaction to the snake in real life time. That is what we should have had the picture of. Back to school for the girls and you soon. Hope it is a good year for you all. Your all deserve it. Take care!!
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