MySpace Graphics Yes, I am absolutely going insane! I had a few phone calls from friends asking if we are alright (thank you for caring!!). I am alive and well. Michaela is back at school this past Monday. (She was out for little over a week with pnuemonia). She was at home last week and not only that but for the whole week before that one she went 4 days with NO sleep. (does that sentence make sense?) I am not too sure I think I am delirious at this point. THis week after making my 2nd trip downtown to the doctor Sophia is running fever and only has a virus! I say only because in some deranged thinking I wish is was bacteria or flu so I could actually have medicine to give her to make her better faster! Unlike just letting a virus run its course! Well after fighting 103 fevers for the past 2 weeks I am READY for a break! Sophia is fever free today and I kept her home one more day to rest. She is on my LAST nerve and ready to go to school tomorrow! ( I am doing flips for that one). I am SOOO counting on my night out tomorrow night with girl friends and having fun at bunco. So sad that we have been couped up in the house on such a beautiful week. Bright blue sky with no clouds in sight. Please hold up for this weekend. I am carting around 5 girl scout girls (THANK YOU CHRIS (coleader) for the help and driving! So I am hoping all goes well and I can keep my strength up. It will be lots of fun they are doing a dance clinic with the green starlettes. I think the leaders get to kick their feet up and chill out! Can't wait. So thanks for being concerned about us but we are on a mend and hope to return to normal schedule Friday!