Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blowing Bubbles!

This year, as we have done every year since we have been married; we went to my grandparents for Easter Sunday. The Easter Bunny was very kind to the children; even to my non believer.(Michaela)..Everytime my girls are around my grandpa they are content to follow in his shadow! (Especially Michaela!) These are some to the good times we had on Easter Sunday Sophia and Michaela blowing bubbles! Michaela puffing out a bubble In this picture Papa is actually running around the yard with a bubble wand with bubbles floating in the air! We love Papa he will do anything to make his girls happy! Papa and Michaela getting a refill for more bubble action Sophia showing off with her bubbles! All in all we had a bubbly of a time with Nana and Papa - Easter 2009